How would your life on earth be different if you thought about your rewards in heaven more?
Christ taught often on heaven’s rewards, and the early church reveled in this treasure chest of life motivation. Throughout church history, Jesus followers have been captivated by a coming event known as “The Judgment Seat of Christ,” a place of reward and honor at life’s finish line which inspired them deeply.
We moderns, not so much.
Why is that? Why do we brush away heaven’s rewards, seeing them as possibly selfish or even unspiritual? Or maybe we don’t think about them at all, surrendering them to stale stereotypes about heaven.
Unearthing Heaven takes you on a journey to rediscover this lost treasure chest of life motivation. You’ll understand more deeply the four crowns of the New Testament, each one championing a different Kingdom value. Stir your imagination for this day of honor when you stand before Jesus. Orienting your life toward His smile is highest octane way to run your own race.
Available now in paperback and Kindle e-book on Amazon.
“We, as followers of Jesus, so often lose sight of the end of the story and get wrapped up only in the present. The Body of Christ needs to be reawakened to the unshakeable HOPE we have in Jesus. Unearthing Heaven is a needed wave of grace as Mike O’Quin shares how we can live today with both the fear of God and great hope as we imagine ourselves standing before Jesus and hearing him say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!’ With the hope of an expected future, we all can find strength to endure the challenges and sacrifices of today in the name of Jesus.”
— Jimmy Seibert, author of Passion and Purpose and president of Antioch Ministries International
“The meaningful and regular consideration of one’s personal evaluation by Jesus Christ is a life-changer. Other than my own personal salvation, this consideration has done more to impact my life than anything else. Mike O’Quin has done the body of Christ a huge favor in writing about the topic. Though I have considered the topic before and have read several volumes on the topic, this one moved me in many new ways to strive to please my king, Jesus. I am confident you’ll be blessed, as I was, in reading this book.”
— Dr. Bill F. Korver, President, Carolina College of Biblical Studies
“The Judgment Seat of Christ is one of the least talked-about and least understood teachings of scripture among the church today. Yet it is one of the most liberating doctrines in the Bible and should profoundly impact how we conduct our lives. Mike does a fantastic job in Unearthing Heaven of making the biblical teaching of God’s judgment of believers accessible and inspirational. Every Christ-follower needs to pick up this book and think deeply about its claims!”
— Mick Murray, author of The Father’s Heart and co-host of the Ideology podcast
“In the midst of a time with significant cultural change, the call to live in light of eternity is perhaps one of the most important messages for the believer. Mike O’Quin challenges us to re-evaluate our motivations and discover anew the power of living from an eternal vision. He lives this message in his own life, and from this place of authority, he will challenge you to do the same.”
— Drew Steadman, Executive Director of Antioch U.S. and author of The Gospel According to Culture
“When I was a little boy I noticed my mother sitting in the chair where she prayed every morning. She was crying. I said, “Mommy, what’s wrong?” She looked at me and smiled. “Honey, I’m just imagining the moment when I will get to see the face of Jesus.” Perhaps no moment has ever touched me so deeply. I’ve heard it said that when Christians focus too much on the afterlife we become irrelevant in this life. In this powerful book, Mike O’Quin shatters that ridiculous notion, showing us that when we have the courage and faith to live passionately for the moment we will see Jesus in all of his glory, everything changes.”
— Paul Richardson, International Director of Mustard Seed International and author of A Certain Risk
“Have you ever wondered what exactly Paul means when he, inspired by the Spirit, exhorts us to: “Set your heart on things above…” and then in the next verse: “Set your mind on things above …” (Colossians 3:1,2)? I mean, how do we apply this command practically? Mike O’Quin helps us understand this command, and more importantly, he inspires to want to live it out. Unearthing Heaven motivates us to live for THAT DAY when we stand before Christ and give account of our lives, making this reality understandable and motivational. Thanks, Mike, for inspiring us, sobering us, and refreshing us with a fresh look at a belief that’s core to a Christian worldview.”
— Ron Parrish, author of From Duty To Delight and Strengthening Your Spiritual Core
“Our imaginations are powerful. They are the driving force behind fear, anxiety, jealousy, vengeance, and a host of other evils. But Mike O’Quin argues that those same powerful imaginations, when fixed upon what is of eternal value—such as the smile of Jesus when we meet Him face to face—will give us a fresh purpose and joy in living. I’ve witnessed Mike’s life—a life of purpose and joy that has touched the people of several nations. His life has been changed by this message, and yours will be too.”
— Jim Baton, author of A Way Out of Hell and Hope is a Dangerous Place
“Engaging my holy imagination about things like heaven and (gasp!) heavenly rewards has changed how I work, serve, and live, and Mike’s insights and clarity have brought fresh encouragement and hope during a difficult pandemic. I’m reminded that nothing I do, no matter how seemingly purposeless or meaningless, is unseen by my Savior and this humbling, hopeful truth gives me new vision for the road ahead.”
— Sarah Guerrero, author of Break Through and Let’s Start With Love
“Mike O’Quin makes me think and makes me laugh. This book on heaven’s rewards inspires me towards a closer walk with Jesus and a healthier connecting between my faith and my works for Him.”
— Eric Bryant, Executive Pastor of Gateway Church Austin and author of Not Like Me